Well well well..tantrums...how many of us have yelled, grumbled? While making a copy of ones work is really a criminal offense, lets take a minute before we start accusing on a mass scale.
I am a layman, MANGO MAN(aam adhmi) in India, sitting in some village. Now tell me, how am i supposed to be hearing Madonna, MJ, Beatles, Britney or the upcoming selena Gomez!!! Or far that matter sitting in the suburbs of Chicago, how am i supposed to know who or what YUVAN or harris jayaraj means? What is an art all about? Is it just to please one's self? Nope an art is something that apart from keeping one's self happy, makes others at ease. An art is a messenger which can deliver powerful messages to the people, An art is a reform which can bring in powerful reforms to the society.
Having said that, many of us have atleast done a basic schooling, atleast once sat in an exam hall, atleast once helped someone to have a peek at what we are writing or tried to get a glimpse of other's answer sheet. Now how many of us were able to produce the exact same thing that was there in the neighbor's answer sheet. How many of us were able to produce the exact same thing as in the textbook!!! Not many, the rest few who did achieve the feat, knew the amount of mental, physical strain it involved!!!
Now if some music director copies or reproduces a tune, what's wrong in it? If the music is good, it is definitely for all the ears around the world. Bringing something from the west to hear and vice versa does not mean, the so called director is fake. Even to reproduce what one has already done and to evoke a more beautiful response requires a lot of courage, talent. Now how many of us who call it a fake can atleast compose 7 consecutive notes? Be it a music track, lyrics, movie, screenplay, fight sequence anything, any art which is a feast for human senses definitely must be brought across boundaries by various means. How the director decides to take the credit for it and do it legally, it is his soul searching, and no one else has a right to talk about it, if u dont like it, keep your senses away.
Now let me ask you few question. Why no one blames Mr Kamban of Tamil literature, who copied Ramayana? Even though he added his own creativity, the story was still stolen!!! (people will recall he had a vision!!!…hmm no one wants to confess he copied and defame themselves..so arguing there. ) Why no one blames the great carnatic singers who sings the same song as Saint Tyagara, Deekshitar and sama sastri in the same raga? WHY? Even the carantic singers dont pay any copyright royalty!!! Funny...but still deep within you, you know how much they respect their heritage. Why everyone took a bow when thirukural was exported to china in Chinese? Does that mean Chinese literature does not have any good thought provoking things? NOPE, they wanted to take the good things from anywhere, which will help people reform themselves.
So before you question some one reproducing a work, if u can enjoy...spread the word.....Hatred, pointing fingers, they will help none....finally its the art that has won, not the individuals.